And So it Goes: Our thoughts on Haiti
This blog is little window into the lives of the Ackerman family. We have been missionaries to Haiti for the past 25 years in association with the Church of God, Anderson, Indiana. Our ministries are that of medical and educational but our primary work is that of living, serving, tolerating, and impacting in a positive and small way the country of Haiti.
The Ackermans
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Saturday, December 15, 2012
A Counterintuitive Christmas
It's almost christmas now and I believe Steve can tell you somethings about Christmastmas that you possibly have never heard.If you have 35 minutes or so give it a listen. It may change your thoughts about Christmas, and God.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
I saw this young lady at my clinic in Prospere on Monday. I addressed the baby's physical problem, a minor cold. Then the mother told me that the baby boy was a twin, He had a sister, She continued telling me that she had gone to the Hospital in Tabar and delivered a very healthy set of twins. Not long after the delievery a young police came into the room, picked up the infant girl and simply stole the baby from this young mother.
My pastor told me that this used to happen frequently. It seems that the police would get a pretty healthy price to someone who wanted a new baby. This lady had no person in power to plede her case to. I wonder if you ever get over this kind of treatment.
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Phil, Lonnie. Michele, and David. Parents and brothere and sister who served as head of "House of Blessing" Children's home for more than 20 years. Lonnie is presently teaching Kindergarten in a cross-curtrarial school in Lake Wales. Fl.and Phil is the director of the "Heart Program" at Warner, Univ,Heart is a program to teach skills needed for doing world missions effectively.
The little girl with the green ribbonin her hair is named Tanya. This orphanage became the House of Blessing Children's home. Phil and Lonnie Murphy parented these and many more children in the orphange they lived in and ran for more than 20 years.
Today Tanya and her husband Frankie oversee the orphanageThey presently have 19 children at House of Blessing located in Calabasse,Haiti.