The Ackermans

The Ackermans

Monday, April 30, 2007

Time-out for a Birthday
This young lady is my lovely daughter Jessica who, on April 30th celebrated her 15th birthday. She is a special person both in looks and all those other things that make kids great. She's really great to live with and you can plan on a daily trip down "Fun" street. She bakes everything she can get her hands on and hopes (at the present time) to become a famous pastry chef. Thus, for her birthday we got her a cookie and cake carrier and a "Spring Form" pan. I'm not sure if that is spelled correctly but it a pan that one uses to make cheese cakes. I look forward to her trying them out so I can try out the results. Anyway here she is! Isn't she beautiful? Just like her dad.

And so it Goes!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Day 2: The Canopy Tour

Let's just call this one the second world “Super” playground in a jungle setting. Actually we rode on the bus about two hours this morning to get to the tour area. The setting is a mountainous area (not Pike’s Peak, more like the Appalachians) with a lush covering of Canopy trees.

Arranged at various places in this forest are towers that remind one of the fire towers you would sometimes see if driving through areas of the mountains of West Virginia or Georgia. These towers are connected with other towers by 1/2” metal cable.

Now, that is the setting. Here is what happens. Humans just like you and me get themselves in a harness, climb these towers, hook our three safety cables and roller wheel to the cable and launch ourselves, suspended only by a harness, down this cable at high speeds and often high elevations until we reach another tower or platform high up in one of the trees. From there the same thing is repeated again and again to other trees and towers.

Why do we do it? I guess because we were in Costa Rica and that is what you do in Costa Rica. Some people say it’s because of the ability to be out in the open to see the beautiful jungle (flying past at 90mph?). No. I believe we do it because we’re human and there’s something that is God given inside us that calls this little bit of abandon “FUN.” It was a fun day.

I wish I could show you some great pictures to give you an idea of what it was like but I don’t know how to put videos on this blog yet so you’ll have to put up with my still pictures. If you really would like to check out some videos of what actually happens simply direct your browser to and search for “Costa Rica Canopy Tour” and you will be shown about 150 different videos you can see first hand.

Tomorrow I’ll try to give you a little idea of the wildlife on a river tour that we took in the city of Limon.

And So It Goes! John

This is where the Crazy people go off!

Jodie in her fashion Hat

Jessica now wants to be a sky diver!

Poor, scared people knew we were going to die!
The Whole Gang

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Costa Rica

It seems like forever since I’ve updated the blog. So here you go, a week long update.

Anyway, Jodie, Jessica, and I left on April 11th to attend the Church of God Latin American missionary retreat and conference in the country of Costa Rica. About all I can tell you is that it is geographically somewhere bordering Panama on the south and Guatemala on the north. I actually spent the whole week and a half there having no idea where I was and to be honest have only looked at the map for its location once, three minutes ago.

How did we get included as a Latin Missionary? (You thought they spoke French and Creole in Haiti didn’t you?) Ask me that sometime when your humor index is high and we have some time to waste and I’ll let you in on the secret. Back to the subject.

Our group consisted of 12 missionaries from Belize, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Haiti J, 7 MKs (missionary kids) and one person from the United States. Actually the one from the U.S. was Sharon who came from Anderson, Indiana and is an executive of Chog Global Missions, our boss. We had to invite her. No! Really they paid for almost everything we did there, she had all the scoop on the “inside stuff” that we had to work on during our conferences there, and besides that Sharon was great fun. She even went on the high zip lines. I didn’t have the guts. More about those tomorrow.

We flew with our friends Phil, Lonnie, and David Murphy from Port-au-Prince to Panama City, changed planes then flew to San Jose. If you ever get the chance to fly out of Panama city at night don’t pass it up. The lights of the city are stunning. Actually, when you live in Port-au-Prince a lot of lights coming from any city would probably seem rather exciting.

So tomorrow, barring a tidal wave on our mountain we’ll get to the Canopy Tour, which consists of lots of hills, trees, and many zip lines. I’ll even try to find some pictures.

And So It Goes! John

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

And you think you have it bad?

I saw on the news last week about a person in Cleveland, Ohio who build themself a 90,000 squair foot home on a small street. The neighbors were already complaining because people were stopping on the small street in front of it just to gawk at it. This is before the home was already finished.

I guess that's what I was doing when I took this picture. But realze I wasn't blocking any traffic nor gawking at one home. I was gawking at a bunch of them. Also realize that this picture is taken with a 420mm lense from quite a distance away so what you are seeing is a minisquel part of the whole picture. I guess what I'm trying to do here though is show you what life is like for those human beings who just want to have a place to lay their head and call a little something "their place." I don't want this to make you feel guilty (unless that's the way you get your kicks) but I do want you to realize how blessed you and I are especially when it comes to places for lying our heads.

And so it goes!


Friday, April 06, 2007

Adam Hughes

Adam is a senior nursing student at Anderson University. As part of his nursing requirements he is to spend some time in a foreign country researching and simply finding out first hand what it would be like to be a nurse in a country other then the United States. He was given my name by the director of the nursing department and after a few email things were worked out and he found himself in the strange country of Haiti.

Actually I was really impressed with this kid. Yes, he's a kid to me! He was positive about almost everything, didn't complain about my driving, loved the food, both Haitian and the rest that we ate in our home, and when there was nothing else to do he would ask if it was OK to take a hike on the hills around our home. Then when he got back he would tell me about how much fun the kids were that kept asking him "Give me fifty dollars?" He would just give them a lollipops and tell them in perfect Creole that he didn't speak Creole. He was lots of fun.

Lord, please send me more like this.

And so it goes.
