Costa Rica
It seems like forever since I’ve updated the blog. So here you go, a week long update.
Anyway, Jodie, Jessica, and I left on April 11th to attend the Church of God Latin American missionary retreat and conference in the country of Costa Rica. About all I can tell you is that it is geographically somewhere bordering Panama on the south and Guatemala on the north. I actually spent the whole week and a half there having no idea where I was and to be honest have only looked at the map for its location once, three minutes ago.
How did we get included as a Latin Missionary? (You thought they spoke French and Creole in Haiti didn’t you?) Ask me that sometime when your humor index is high and we have some time to waste and I’ll let you in on the secret. Back to the subject.
Our group consisted of 12 missionaries from Belize, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Haiti J, 7 MKs (missionary kids) and one person from the United States. Actually the one from the U.S. was Sharon who came from Anderson, Indiana and is an executive of Chog Global Missions, our boss. We had to invite her. No! Really they paid for almost everything we did there, she had all the scoop on the “inside stuff” that we had to work on during our conferences there, and besides that Sharon was great fun. She even went on the high zip lines. I didn’t have the guts. More about those tomorrow.
We flew with our friends Phil, Lonnie, and David Murphy from Port-au-Prince to Panama City, changed planes then flew to San Jose. If you ever get the chance to fly out of Panama city at night don’t pass it up. The lights of the city are stunning. Actually, when you live in Port-au-Prince a lot of lights coming from any city would probably seem rather exciting.
So tomorrow, barring a tidal wave on our mountain we’ll get to the Canopy Tour, which consists of lots of hills, trees, and many zip lines. I’ll even try to find some pictures.
And So It Goes! John
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