Again, it is Jessica.
No, not the pictures, the person writing. I'm sure dad would have loved to write this post himself, but isn't quite ready for that yet.
But the pictures are of my dad and his lovely hospital lunch of chicken fingers, bananas, and green peas; my dad and me; and one of his right knee.
Dad got moved into rehab yesterday. He's doing rehab at the St. Vincent's since he likes that place so much. I've got to give them some credit...they're a pretty good place.
But he is doing much better than when I last saw him. He can walk, with a walker of course, down to the elevator and back. (He decided to see us off when we came to visit today.) He's still having some pain and swelling, but it's not as bad as it was before. At least to my knowledge.
My mom commutes from Anderson to Indianapolis pretty frequently to see him, but I've only been a few times.
He's doing better, but keep him in your prayers.
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